青成工作坊 – Managing Workplace Interpersonal Relationship [職場關係 360°]

本堂將於 8/5(六) 舉辦青成事工的工作坊,題為 Managing Workplace Interpersonal Relationship [職場關係 360°] ;學習如何巧妙且自信地應對複雜的職場人際關係。敬請代禱及邀約灣區聽懂粵語的 Young Adult 參加! 時間 :4:30pm-7:00pm (包括晚餐),費用全免,詳情及報名連結 : lordsgrace.org/C_workshop , 8/2 (三) 截止。

Ace your Silicon Valley Career 你的工作「矽」升機

本堂青成事工於 6/10(六) 將舉辦工作坊,題為 “Ace  your Silicon Valley Career” 你的工作「矽」升機。  內容包括在職業發展、求職(渠道、簡歷、面試等)等方面增值;敬請代禱及邀約灣區聽懂粵語的 Young Adult 參加! 時間4:30pm-7:00pm(包括晚餐),費用全免,詳情及報名連結:  lordsgrace.org/C_workshop ,  6/6(二)截止。

Twists & Turns VBS 2023

Spin the spinner, beat the clock, skip ahead, level up, and play to win! You’ll need to bring your A-game for this VBS! Twists & Turns is a fantastical celebration of games of all kinds. From classic tabletop games to strategy games to video games and more. Kids will play their way through VBS in fun locations such as Bible Study Game Room, Wild Card Crafts and Skip Ahead Snacks. But more importantly, they’ll see Jesus through the eyes of one of His closest friends. They will discover that trusting in Jesus as their personal Savior and following Him changes the game entirely.


本堂青成事工於 4/29(六) 將舉辦工作坊,題為 “Stress Management for Young Adults in Silicon Valley”. 由蘇劉君玉博士主講,敬請代禱及邀約灣區聽懂粵語的 Young Adult 參加! 時間10:30am-1:00pm(包括午餐),費用全免,詳情及報名連結: lordsgrace.org/C_workshop , 4/24截止。


本堂初職事工將與科大及港大的北加州校友會於 2/25/23(六) 10:00 am-2 pm 一起舉辦聯校春季遠足,歡迎弟兄姊妹及親友(特別邀請20-35歲人士) 參加。活動及報名詳情@ lordsgrace.org/Hiking。願主藉此活動讓更多初職人士認識我們教會!


傳道部將於 2/18(六)10:00 am-11:30 am 在聖荷西長者公寓 Town Park Tower (TPT) 舉行醫藥問題解答講座以關懷長者及分享福音。現招募弟兄姊妹 2/15 (三) 10:00 am 到 TPT 派發活動單張,講座當天與長者傾談、代禱及預備茶點等。詳情及報名連結 :lordsgrace.org/TPT, 2/12 (日) 截止報名。