Dr. Patrick Fung, former Director of OMF International, will speak on the life of Hudson Taylor. Come hear how an ordinary man made a huge impact on China 170 years ago, and how his story can inspire the next generation. 4/20, 7pm English session at LGCC.
馮浩鎏醫生牧師,海外基督使團前國際總主任,將於 4/20(六) 下午 4pm 以國語ヽ 7pm 以英語在大堂與你分享神如何使用一個平凡人,戴德生,在 170 年前在中國成就不平凡的事。今天,弟兄姐妹也可以給年輕人的生命帶來不平凡的影響。