A Tree Lot Christmas Musical

You are cordially invited to our children’s musical on Saturday, Dec 9 at 5pm. Come join the excitement and experience the power of what it means to be a part of God’s family tree and the importance of sharing His love with others. “A Tree Lot Christmas” 音樂劇:誠邀您參加12/9(六)下午 5 點在大堂舉行的兒童音樂劇。來加入其中並感受成為上帝家譜中一員的力量,以及分享上帝之愛的重要性。

Harvest Festival 2023(豐收節家庭同樂日)

Join us for an afternoon fun on Sunday, Oct. 29 at 11:30am-2:30pm. There will be a bouncy house, face painting, pizzas, games, crafts, cotton candy and prizes. Please invite friends to come.
本會將於 10/29主日11:30 am-2:30 pm 舉辦 豐收節家庭同樂日(Harvest Festival)。 午餐將提供 pizza 和棉花糖,節目包括 跳跳屋(bouncy house)、臉部彩繪、手工製作、遊戲及獎品。鼓勵弟兄姊妹邀請朋友參加。

青成工作坊 – Managing Workplace Interpersonal Relationship [職場關係 360°]

本堂將於 8/5(六) 舉辦青成事工的工作坊,題為 Managing Workplace Interpersonal Relationship [職場關係 360°] ;學習如何巧妙且自信地應對複雜的職場人際關係。敬請代禱及邀約灣區聽懂粵語的 Young Adult 參加! 時間 :4:30pm-7:00pm (包括晚餐),費用全免,詳情及報名連結 : lordsgrace.org/C_workshop , 8/2 (三) 截止。