Circle of Three (三人行)

Cantonese Congregation(粤语堂): 需要參加小組或領取手冊?請填寫表格: [鏈接] English Congregation: Go to this page for group registration or if you need a group. An online version of the handbook can also be found here: [Link] Printable Handbook PDFs (可打印手冊 PDFs) These handbook files are formatted to be printed double-sided, stapled in the middle, and Read more…


為了幫助弟兄姐妹重拾每日靈修的習慣,本堂將與你們一起靈修讀經,與主親近。時間: 每週日,一至五,8:30 – 9 AM 地點:在線(Zoom)帶領團隊: 長老/團契組長/牧者。有意參與者請與各小組組長聯絡及索取Zoom ID。主恩靈修時間 5/4 開始,讓聖靈帶領和感動,開始靈修五四運動!