Cantonese Events
Wonder: Women’s Gathering
God has done WONDERS in our lives. Come and celebrate on Saturday, April 27 from 9:00-11:30am.
God has done WONDERS in our lives. Come and celebrate on Saturday, April 27 from 9:00-11:30am.
Join us for Good Friday and Easter Sunday as we remember the Lord Jesus Christ’s self-sacrificing love for us! 受難及復活節帶給世人怎樣的祝福呢?誠邀弟兄姐妹參加 3/29(五) 晚上舉行的受難節崇拜 和/或 3/31 (主日) 早上舉行的復活節崇拜,一同記念主基督為我們捨己犧牲的愛。 YouTube Stream: Link
Christmas Joint Family Service will be on 12/24 at 10am. Invite friends and neighbors to join us!
聖誕節聯合崇拜將於主日 12/24上午 10 點在大堂舉行,敬請弟兄姐妹預留時間參加。
You are cordially invited to our children’s musical on Saturday, Dec 9 at 5pm. Come join the excitement and experience the power of what it means to be a part of God’s family tree and the importance of sharing His love with others. “A Tree Lot Christmas” 音樂劇:誠邀您參加12/9(六)下午 5 點在大堂舉行的兒童音樂劇。來加入其中並感受成為上帝家譜中一員的力量,以及分享上帝之愛的重要性。
Join us for an afternoon fun on Sunday, Oct. 29 at 11:30am-2:30pm. There will be a bouncy house, face painting, pizzas, games, crafts, cotton candy and prizes. Please invite friends to come.
本會將於 10/29主日11:30 am-2:30 pm 舉辦 豐收節家庭同樂日(Harvest Festival)。 午餐將提供 pizza 和棉花糖,節目包括 跳跳屋(bouncy house)、臉部彩繪、手工製作、遊戲及獎品。鼓勵弟兄姊妹邀請朋友參加。
Join us for ICC’s annual Walk the Wall on October 8, 2023
歡迎參加 ICC 10月8日的「走長城」慈善行。
Welcome to LGCC’s annual Missions Conference: Missional Mentality in Every Season of Life! Click the headers and sub-headers below to read more information about each of the sessions. Descriptions, YouTube & Zoom links will be added to each session as they become available.
Explore God: Bay Area Sermon Series
October 1-29, 2023
English: 9:30am-10:45am