Welcome to LGCC’s annual Missions Conference, “Belize: Then, Now & Next?“
Click the headers and sub-headers below to read more information about each of the sessions. Descriptions, YouTube & Zoom links will be added to each session as they become available.
Saturday, Oct. 26, 6:00-9:00pm
Children’s Program 7-9pm
6:00pm Int’l Dinner + Dessert Competition
Dinner Registration by 10/23: lordsgrace.org/MCDinner
7:15pm Evening Session (Click to go to YouTube)
7:30pm Panel Sharing
8:15pm Message
Chinese Breakout: (Click to go to Zoom)
English will stay on YouTube
Sunday, Oct 27 Schedule
9:00am Cantonese Sunday School (Click to go to Zoom)
9:30am English Service (Click to go to YouTube)
9:30am Mandarin Service (Click to go to Zoom)
11:00am Cantonese Service (Click to go to YouTube)
11:15am English/Mandarin Sunday School – Meet & Greet, Rm 604
Speaker: Alexander Perez
Alexander Perez is the Founder and Director of Belize Camping Experience.
Born in Guatemala and raised in Belize, after graduating Bible School in Canada, he returned to Belize to begin summer camps in 2007.
In 2008 he was married, and with his wife they have been serving together for the past 16 years.
They have two children, Anya (12) and Chase (9).
Speaker: Rev. Gregory Har
自2019年,夏牧師在貝里斯北部接近墨西哥邊界的小城市科羅撒 Corozal Town 事奉。服侍對象是華人和說英語的本地人,並參加兩間英語教會,作講道、探訪和參與各年齡層的事工。現時最大的事奉項目是計劃興建男生宿舍,訓練18-30歲的青年男子,提供工作機會和栽培門徒。
10/26 Dinner Registration (register by 10/23)
Dinner Registration by Wednesday 10/23: lordsgrace.org/MCDinner
Dessert Competition Info (register by 10/20)
Theme: LGCC Missionary Countries & Regions
- Choose a country from the areas served by LGCC Missionaries: [LINK]
- Make a dessert from the culture of the country for the Oct. 26 dinner (at least 25 portions)
- Present statistics and facts about your country/region
- Sign up by Sunday 10/20! lordsgrace.org/MCDessert
- There will be prizes for the top 3 desserts!
10/20 Sunday School
Missionaries Derek & Sindy – Mission in Ecuador: Looking Back & Update
Missionaries Derek and Sindy will share their ministry journey and lessons learned in Ecuador as crime rates surged in recent years.
9:30am Cantonese Sunday School (Click to go to Zoom)
11:15am English/Mandarin SS, Chapel (Click to go to Zoom)
10/25 Belize STM Alumni Dinner (register by 10/18)
There is a Belize STM Alumni Dinner on Friday 10/25 for those who have served in Belize. Please find more information and register by 10/18 at the link: lordsgrace.org/BelizeDinner

Feedback & Action Faith Pledge Form (意見回應及信心行動承諾表)
FORM 表格: Click here 點擊此處
Be sure to fill out the form so that we can continue to improve the Missions Conference and make it relevant to you. Also, let us know how you would like to participate in missions with us.
宣教委員會邀請弟兄姐妹填寫“意見回應及信心行動承諾表”, 希望更能了解您將如何繼續參與宣教事工, 來為明年准備一個更好、與您更相關的宣教年會。