Sunday Service is held in-person at church (1101 San Antonio Rd, Mountain View) and streamed online.
Click on the headers below for more information about how to worship with us on Sunday!
12/22/24 Christmas Joint Service & Breakouts
10:00am Joint Service Livestream on Youtube: Click here to join service
10:55am Breakout Sessions
9:30am English Service
In-person Service: Please do not attend in-person services if you have COVID symptoms or someone in your household is currently isolating for COVID. Guidelines for Worship Services: Link
Service Livestream on YouTube: Click here to join service
Bulletin: Link
Give to LGCC:
If you’re new to Lord’s Grace:
We’d love to get to know you! Please fill out the welcome card so we can connect with you.
9:30am 普通话主日敬拜
程序表: 链接
网上敬拜: 点击加入
+16699009128,,409621142# US (San Jose)
+16465588656,,409621142# US (New York)
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
(会议号) Meeting ID: 409 621 142
如果弟兄姐妹需要加入网上敬拜的密码,请电邮至 。
主日崇拜安全措施指南 链接
溫馨提示: 实体主日崇拜不需预约,如果您有 COVID 症状或您的家人目前正在居家隔离中,请暂时不要出席实体聚会。
9:00/9:30am 粵語主日學
日期: 09/01/24 – 12/15/24
時間: 9:00 – 10:10 am
Zoom 視訊會議: 連結
日期: 全年每個主日(特別安排除外,請參時間表)
時間: 9:30 – 10:45 am
形式: 實體 604室
11:15am English Sunday School
English Adult Sunday School (Room 604)
Zoom Link: Click here to join.
11/10: Spiritual Health and Asian Churches
Nicky & Jessie will focus on mental health challenges in an Asian-American church, including tackling the idols of our culture that are in opposition to addressing mental health. The meat of the presentation will be about acculturation stress experienced across different generations and how that impacts both mental health and spirituality in the Asian church. Everyone is welcome to join!
11/17: Devotions & Discerning God’s Voice
Resources for English Adult Sunday School classes can be found here: Link
Additional Resources
Our Worship Services are open in-person! You can read our re-opening Worship Service guidelines here.
You can click here to sign up for a RightNow Media account with access to materials to encourage your faith during this shelter-in-place time.
For more COVID-19 information and answers to common questions, please see the Santa Clara County Public Health Department page here.