Breaker Rock Beach VBS 2024

Come join us for a week of fun on June 24-28. Adventure awaits each day as kids explore tide pools, spot orcas, fly kites, and watch the mighty waves crash up against the immovable Breaker Rock! Like Breaker Rock, God’s truth never changes! Explore the difference between the lies of culture and God’s unchanging truth.

Good Friday & Easter

Join us for Good Friday and Easter Sunday as we remember the Lord Jesus Christ’s self-sacrificing love for us! 受難及復活節帶給世人怎樣的祝福呢?誠邀弟兄姐妹參加 3/29(五) 晚上舉行的受難節崇拜 和/或 3/31 (主日) 早上舉行的復活節崇拜,一同記念主基督為我們捨己犧牲的愛。 YouTube Stream: Link