We are now hosting basketball & volleyball games on Sunday afternoons and evenings!

The motivation and goal of this church-wide Sports Ministry is to create opportunities to outreach to non-Christian friends who might love the sport like you do – for them to get to know LGCC folks (and vice-versa) in a casual and fun setting

[ Volleyball ]

  • Sundays 7:30pm – 9:00pm (until 9/29/2024)
  • Mountain View Sports Pavilion (1185 Castro St, Mountain View)
  • One Volleyball court
  • Information on each session details and specific sign-up link are provided below:

[ Basketball ] – Currently on break!

  • Sundays 3:30pm – 5:00pm (4/7-5/27)
  • Whisman Sports Center (1500 W Middlefield Rd, Mountain View)
  • One Basketball Court

[ Ground Rules ]

  • We may have a cap on attendance or structure in place for each session to alleviate overcrowding, and to be conducive to effective playing and community building
  • We would like to prioritize it for LGCC members and our pre-believer friends

This is to keep it focused on our goal to build up our community, and for our witness to pre-believer friends through sports and such hospitality

Let’s start playing and outreaching, God bless!