12/22/24 Christmas Joint Service & Breakouts
10:00am Joint Service Livestream on Youtube: Click here to join service
10:55am Breakout Sessions
Christmas Joint Service will be on 12/22 at 10am, and Christmas Eve Service will be 12/24 at 7:30pm. All are welcome to join!
On Sundays 12/22 and 12/29, preschool and elementary children will join their parents for Family Worship as there will be no Children’s Program on these dates. The nursery will remain open.
聖誕節聯合崇拜將於主日 12/22, 10am在大堂舉行,而平安夜崇拜將於 12/24(週二)7:30pm在大堂舉行, 敬請弟兄姐妹預留時間參加。
兒童主日學將於 12/ 22 及 12/29 暫停, 兒童與父母一起敬拜, 當日仍設有嬰兒托兒服務。