WHEN 日期: 8/12, Saturday 週六, 5-7pm
To celebrate LGCC’s 50th anniversary, the church will be hosting a picnic with food trucks on Saturday, 8/12 from 5-7pm at the deck. We welcome everyone who has crossed paths with us in the past 50 years to join us for this joyful celebration. It will be a big event with hundreds of people, so feel free to invite your friends! Popular food truck tickets are selling out, so please sign up as soon as possible by 8/11 to reserve yours: lordsgrace.org/50thPicnic. Tickets purchased online can be picked up on the day of the event (Saturday, 8/12) at LGCC. In-person registration for limited menu is also available at the event.
為慶祝主恩成立 50 週年,教會將於 8/12 ,星期六 5-7pm 在草地平台上舉辦野餐活動,並備有餐車。我們誠邀過去 50 年來曾與本堂有過交集的所有弟兄姐妹加入這個慶典。這將是一場數百人的大型活動,歡迎邀請您的朋友参加,門票現已開始網上發售! 數量有限,受歡迎的餐車快將售罄,請從速購票,截止日期:8/11。已購票的會眾請在活動當天(週六,8 / 12 )到主恩領取門票,有意参加者亦可即場登記購票。