Welcome to LGCC’s annual Missions Conference: Obeying God’s Call in Turbulent Times!
Click the headers and sub-headers below to read more information about each of the sessions. Descriptions and YouTube & Zoom links will be added to each session as they become available.
Friday, Oct. 21, 8:00pm
English Session, 8:00-9:30pm
Zoom link: Click here (Can also attend in-person in Building 2)
Ice Cream Sundae Bar 7:30-8:00pm for in-person attendees!
The One-legged Missionary and the Oxcart Driver
Scripture: Judges 3:31
Dr. Hans Wilhelm
Live message followed by Q&A
Chinese Session, 8:00-9:30pm
Zoom link: Click here (Can also attend in-person in Chapel)
Scripture 經文: 羅8:18-30
Language: Mandarin + live Cantonese translation
Saturday, Oct. 22, 7:30pm
English Session, 7:30-9:00pm
Zoom link: Click Here
The Mission of the Church
Scripture: Luke 9:1-6
Dr. Hans Wilhelm
Chinese Session, 7:30-9:00pm
YouTube link: Click here (Can also attend in-person in Building 2)
Scripture 經文: 但1:8; 2:17-19; 6:10
Language: Mandarin + live Cantonese translation
Sunday, Oct. 23, Regular Sunday Schedule
English Sermon, 9:30am
YouTube link: Click here
Blessing of Missions
Scripture: Genesis 12:1-4
Dr. Hans Wilhelm
Joint Eng+Mand Sunday School, 11:15am
Zoom link: Click here (Can also attend in-person in Chapel)
The Joy of Bringing the Good News
Scripture: Luke 10:17-24
Rev. Gregory Har 夏偉鵬牧師
Language: English
Speaker Biographies
Dr. Hans M. Wilhelm 文恩賦牧師 / 博士
Hans Wilhelm was born in 1931 in China of German pioneer missionary parents serving with the Liebenzeller Mission and China Inland Mission (內地會). He spent his first 19 years in Guizhou, Hunan, and Shanghai attending German, British and Chinese schools. After immigrating to the United States in 1950, he attended UCLA and graduated with a B.A. in history and later did his theological training at Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, CA where he earned his M.Div. and D.Min. degrees.
He served on the staff of The Navigators for seven years and was assigned to Taiwan in 1954 where he met his Canadian-born wife Alice. They were married in Taiwan in 1956 and their children (Marty and Lita) were born there.
Hans & Alice were missionaries with OC International (One Challenge) for 37 years serving in various parts of the world. In the 50’s they resided and ministered in Asia, the 60’s in South America, the 70’s in North America, and the 80’s in Europe and Africa. Hans served in various positions of leadership including as Field Director, Administrative Director and Executive Vice-President of OCI, and later as Area Director for Europe and Africa. From 1979-80, he was Pastor of Discipleship at Los Gatos Christian Church (now Venture Christian Church) in California. During his ministry in Europe, Hans was the founding chairman of the European Church Growth Association.
Dr. Wilhelm has authored various articles on Church Growth and conducted Church Growth Seminars in Europe and various African countries. His autobiography, CHINA HANS – From Shanghai to Hitler to Christ, was published by Trafford Publishing in 2009. It is available by writing to him at his e-mail address.
Hans & Alice have two children, four grandchildren and three great-grandsons. Their son Marty (Karen) and family worked in Southern Africa as missionaries for 15 years, ministered in Arnold and Murphys, CA, served as an adjunct professor at Azusa Pacific University, CA, and is presently also living in Billings, MT with other members of his family. Daughter Lita (William Lott) is a Chief Warrant Officer 4, MI in the US Army Reserves and had overseas deployments in Afghanistan, Iraq, Kuwait, Brazil, South Korea and Germany.
The Wilhelms returned to the USA in 1991 and since then have been ministering in Chinese churches both in North America and overseas. In 1992 Hans was the co-founder of Chinese International Missions and served with them till 1997. For several years he participated in conducting training sessions in many Bible schools and seminaries all across China with China Partner. He continues a weekly preaching/teaching schedule in Chinese churches of the California Bay area – now with Zoom. He is a frequent speaker at missionary conferences and retreats and served on the board of ChinaSource for ten years.
Since 1991, Hans and Alice have been associates of World Outreach Ministries, P.O. Box B, Marietta. Georgia, 30061-0379.
Rev. Gregory Har 夏偉鵬牧師
Rev. Gregory Har was born and grew up in Hong Kong. He studied mechanical engineering and industrial production management & engineering in Britain. He has taught industrial training in the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. In 2002, he received his M.Div from the Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Illinois and served as the pastor of the Twin City Chinese Christian Church in Minnesota with his wife for 17 years until June 30, 2019. They have two grown daughters.
Rev. Har has been serving as a missionary in Belize with the Chinese Christian Mission since July 2019.
Rev. Luke Zhang 張路加牧師
张路加牧师原为材料工程师。在中国大学时代重生得救,于德国柏林理工大学材料所深造期间蒙召全职事奉,在美国完成宣教及神学方面的装备,先后获宣教硕士、道学硕士及教牧博士学位。张牧师在洛杉矶开拓建立并牧养教会多年,自1995年起担任「播种者」国际协会 (The Sowers International) 远东事工部主任至今,同时也为《欧洲校园事工》(ECM)的创会董事及伙伴宣教士,多年来致力于在华人中的教会培训及校园福音事工,并在全球各地主领布道奋兴特会。2017年7月至2021年9月,张牧师回应神的呼召,和师母带着两个孩子举家迁至德国长宣,投身于在德国及欧洲的华人福音事工。目前张牧师仍以ECM宣教士的身份,回应“从德国到欧洲”、“从华人到万邦”的异象,持续地以欧洲工场为服事重点,同时也藉着网路平台“隐藏的吗哪”传扬主道,宣扬福音。
Video Challenge Information
Create a 30sec-2min video individually or as a group about missions and this year’s theme!
There will be a prize for the best video! Due October 20.
Check out the full video guidelines here: Link