Join us for ICC’s annual walkathon on October 2, 2022
American Friends of International China Concern (ICC) is taking the next step in our journey to transform the lives of the most vulnerable children in China.
Location: Lord’s Grace Christian Church (LGCC)
1101 San Antonio Rd
Mountain View, CA 94043
● Simple lunch provided at the deck @12:30 PM ; please help us plan by registering!
● Meet in front of the Sanctuary between 1:00-1:30 PM to check-in
● Walk starts at 1:30 PM
Register & donate online by joining the Lord’s Grace team at
Early Registration: Register by Sept 12 to guarantee your shirt. After Sept 12, shirts will be distributed after Oct 3.
For the Kids (18 and under)! Coloring contest: Visit to download the Wall of China to color. Win Walk the Wall merch! Submit to by 9/22!
齊心能凝聚力量! 歡迎參加國際關心中國慈善協會(ICC) 10月2日的「走長城」步行籌款活動
今年 ICC 將「再跨一步」拓展服務來幫助中國殘疾兒童, 您的參與將改變數千個殘疾兒童及其家庭的命運。
地點: 主恩基督教會
1101 San Antonio Rd
Mountain View, CA 94043
● 12:30 PM -簡單午餐 (草地平台)
● 1:00-1:30 PM - 在大堂集合
● 1:30 PM - 「走長城」 步行準時出發
提前註冊: 如您在 9/12 前註冊, 我們可確保在活動前將 T 恤郵寄到您的登記地址。 9/12 後報名者將在 10/3 後通過郵寄方式收到 T 卹。網上奉獻及登記請點擊: 加入Lord’s Grace 團隊。
點擊 下載「走長城」填色圖紙。作品完成後於 9/22 前電郵 即有機會免費贏得我們為本次活動特別設計的限量版T恤。